Thursday 16 November 2006

Dear Santa

Yes, I know I haven't written to you since I was a little girl, but this year I could really use your help.

All I want for Christmas is $20,000.

Now before you have a heart attack and have to find a celebrity to deliver all the presents on Christmas Eve (I assume this is what happens because you do it in the movies...), I have very good reasons for asking for this much. Actually, when you think about it, $20,000 isn't a lot of money... you know you have gotten old when you can say that!

The money would be spent as follows:

Debt: I would be able to pay off all my debts. I don't have a lot of debt but I would like it to go away. I will be able to pay off my car and the evil credit card. $4,000 would pay these off nicely.

University: A few weeks ago I received a letter from the Australian Catholic University offering me a position in their Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary)/Graduate Certificate of Religious Education for 2007. I have been granted a Commonwealth Funded Position (YAY!) and I will defer any additional payments via HECS HELP until I am working as a teacher, but there will be other costs, mainly additional fees, textbooks, petrol to get to and from uni and to and from practicals located at different schools in Canberra, etc etc. I can't put a figure on how much this will cost but we'll allocate $7,000, and any left over I'll use as upfront payments so I don't have to pay as much interest with the HECS HELP deferred payments.

Computer: The machine I am sitting at writing this letter was bought over 5 years ago. It is old, clunky, and shits itself at the thought of having to run a program that uses a lot of processor power. A new computer (I am contemplating a notebook rather than a desktop) will help me with my studies (and allow me to run programs without it having a fit). We'll allocate $3,000 for this.

Holiday: I haven't had a holiday in over a year. All I want is to go to Brisbane and spend some time with my friends up there. We'll allocate $1,500 for this and it will cover airfares and other spending. I'd only be gone for 2 weeks at the most.

There is $4,500 left. This will be used on miscellaneous stuff. You see, I've had a crap year. I won't go into detail but it involved 2 breakdowns which have left me unable to work. I get a bit of money from the government but after the salary I was previously on, it's not enough to wipe your arse with. So the additional $4,500 will just help suppliment that.

So what do you think? Can you help me out Santa? You know where to find me if you can. I'll even leave out milk and cookies!


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