Sunday 19 November 2006

Big Elastic Band

So anyway, the withdrawal from the Aropax hasn't been nearly as bad as it was over a week ago but I have turned into the Evil Bitch From Hell.

Unfortunately my mother, brother and his girlfriend experienced the bitch in me yesterday. It was very embarrassing but I just couldn't hold back. Thankfully my anger wasn't directed at them... it was directed at someone else who shall remain nameless. This person is unfortunately going to be spending Christmas with the family. I would rather never see this person again for what they put mother and myself through this year. Mum wants me to play nice. I told her I didn't think it would be possible. Unfortunately telling her I didn't think it was possible involved me yelling, screaming, crying like a girl, and leaving the room in a huff. I really wanted to put my fist through the wall.

It is so not like me to be like this. I have all this pent up anger and I have no idea if it is a result of going off one antidepressant and onto another, or if I have always been like this but the Aropax has dulled it down. It's scary!

I keep trying the whole 'count to 10' thing to calm down but alas it doesn't work. I feel like a big elastic band has been wound up in side me and very soon it is going to get a point where it can't be wound any more and BANG I let loose.

I pity whoever gets in my way if and when this happens.

On a brighter note, I got in the car yesterday for the first time in 2 weeks and went for a drive. It felt good. I am no longer house-bound. I had to go to Maccas for McHappy Day and get me a big mac (any excuse!).

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